What's new in Arclight Latest Version


[2.0.1] - 7.Sept.2022

  • Fixed XML provisioning of Bare Metal instances pointing to default VM configuration
  • Using the PM2 ecosystem file for Arc Api which provides the possibility to configure behavior, options, environment variables, and the log files of Lisk Service with PM2
  • Fixed terminal timeout error caused due to wrong port configuration.
  • Replaced in-line arc api args with PM2 file.
  • Fixed webssh api endpoint throwing buffered response.
  • [2.0.0] - 10.Aug.2022

  • Tested with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on IBM Cloud bare metal (https://cloud.ibm.com/gen1/infrastructure/provision/bm)
  • Tested with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on AWS C5 & C5n Bare Metal Instance
  • Now support Ubuntu major versions like 18.04 and 20.04
  • Added Bare Metal provisioning support
  • Users can now ssh host and other remote servers securely with arclight's in-built SSH client
  • Added Modules to the dashboard
  • Implementation of Arclight's own api which is used to communicate with the Arclight server and the database
  • Added new signup and signin page for user validation and authentication.
  • Added all-in-one certificate management for the Arclight server
  • Fixed issue where noVNC is unable to get certificate paths other than in /etc/ssl/self.pem
  • Added custom tailwind module for future use
  • Arclight is now using MongoDB as its database which is more scalable and faster than MySQL
  • Added startup bash script to automatically install all the dependencies and linux distro packages required for Arclight to work
  • Redesigned the initial setup page of Arclight to a single configuration page with less options
  • Minimized the number of pages by using single page for all the settings
  • Modified sidebar menu, structured for future use of multiple host machines (clustering)
  • Added scrollable events log that will list all the events that occurred for a virtual machine.
  • Improved performance of windows instances.
  • fixed Windows 10 CPU bug where it ignores extra CPU cores.
  • Added Arc API health checker.
  • Improved how virtual machines are created by adding better error notifications, breaking the process into several steps of creation to handle errors better.
  • Improved updating process. Now instead of git pull, fetching the origin and reseting it. This will override any changes to local files.
  • Modified user sidebar navigation to include just Host, Virtual Machines, Storage, and Networking, simplifying the menu
  • Creating a new vm, storage pool, storage volume, and network fall on their respective pages
  • Improved layout of the noVNC connection.
  • Hid the XML on the domain-single.php page until user wants to edit it. Preventing accidental changes to guest
  • Improved layout of the Host page with additional Information such as uptime and libvirt version
  • Improved layout of the instance provisioning modal with extra Advanced CPU options
  • Automactically notify users of any updates to Arclight with a notification bar at the top of the page.
  • Increased the number of error notifications that exist
  • Changes to the HTML/CSS theme have improved scrollbar apperance and better use of web page realestate
  • The noVNC connection is loaded from an authenticated web page.
  • The tokens for the noVNC connection are now 100 character random strings, which change everytime a VM page is loaded (domain-single.php)
  • The console preview on the domain-single.php is now a live noVNC connection to the machine rather than a static image